Wednesday, 28 November 2012 Make an Advent Calendar

Scrapbook Paper and Christmas Stickers for an Advent Calendar
Remember the joy when you were a child each morning in December when you opened that day on the Advent Calendar? I vividly recall one shaped as a house that had little numbered doors to open. Underneath each cardboard flap was a picture of a toy - a different one for each day.
  Nowadays commercial Advent Calendars seem to be Disney-themed and have chocolates enclosed. And all, homemade or store bought, seem to be for children.
  But, bah, humbug! Why should kids have all the fun and anticipation of a treat? So I decided to make one for Pete and me, to make each December day special. All I needed were some scrapbook papers, some Christmas stickers, a glue stick, scissors and a pen. Easy!
Advent Calendar Envelopes
Here are some of the envelopes I made. They're simply papers cut to a uniform size, folded in half then the sides are glued, leaving the top open. The fun part was choosing the stickers and numbers.

Advent Activities
Then I dreamed up special activities we could do together to get into the spirit of the season. Some are things we can do just for us; there are also things we can do for others. I wrote each on a little card and slipped them into the envelopes.
  Now we're all ready to hang the Advent Calendar from the mantelpiece before we go to bed on November 30th. Let the season of peace, joy and festive cheer commence!

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