Tuesday, 13 November 2012

... for Someone Who Stands Out From the Crowd

Sculpture of Ceramic Sheep by Gregor Kregar at Brick Bay Sculpture Trail 

What makes someone stand out from the crowd for you? Is it their dress or their voice; their appearance or their attitude; their talents or their personality?
  And who did you immediately think of when you read my question?
  I visited an old lady today who now lives in a rest home. She used to be my neighbour and when we moved to the area, she welcomed us and became a good friend, even though there is over 30 years difference in our ages.
  When I looked around the lounge room of the old folks' home, at the elderly residents asleep in their chairs, or resting quietly, I thought that each one of them will have stood out from the crowd, in their own way, for someone. 
  And that made me think of them, not as 'old people', but as individuals, with their stories and hopes and dreams and challenges - all the things that make them, and each of us, stand out from the crowd.  


  1. Hi Wendy! I just discovered your blogs. I know what you mean about people who stand out in a crowd for us. They are the sort of people we never forget! The sort of people we are drawn to for reasons that we don't even understand. I suppose the charisma is just there! There are some bloggers I am drawn to even though I've never even seen their face. Sometimes just the way they express themselves makes us kindred spirits!

    1. Thanks, Lucille. A lovely comment. I know exactly what you mean - some people just 'click' with us.
