If you can travel with that attitude you can deal with the queues, the delays, the cramped airline seats, even (and I hope it doesn't happen) the lost luggage!
For me travel is the excitement of seeing new places, or even seeing familiar ones from a different viewpoint; hearing other languages; observing people; learning about different cultures and customs; interacting with others in ways that enrich my life.
And taking lots of photos and keeping a journal so that when I return to my ordinary life, I can see and read about my travels and relive them over and over.
You need to travel with an open mind and generous heart; to not expect a life that mirrors your everyday existence; to leave behind the props and habits that have anchored you in your ordinary life; to be prepared to embrace the unfamiliar and learn from it.
Then you can truly say that you 'crossed the ocean and lost sight of the shore.'
Bon voyage!