At the End of the Day |
'Make every day a school day,' says my friend Sue.
And she's right. In this wide, wonderful world there are so many fascinating people, plants, and animals; words, ideas, and plans; structures, inventions and technologies; books, movies, art and music to discover. So much to keep you excited about learning!
At the end of each day I like to spend a few minutes reflecting on what has happened over the intervening hours and what new things I have learnt.
And today, while reading a gardening book, I came across a word, a lovely word, I hadn't heard of before. Miz-maze.
A miz-maze is a labyrinth made out of turf. Or a state of confusion! Which led me to look on websites about labyrinths and Iron Age forts and the difference between a maze and a labyrinth (labyrinths have a continuous path and no dead ends) and Druids and centuries old school traditions in Winchester and ... in fact I was in a virtual Google miz-maze.
You can tell I love research, can't you? What new thing did you learn today?